2008 March 23 April 27 5 weeks
2009 April 12 April 19 1 Week
2010 April 4 April 4 ———-
2011 April 24 April 24 ———-
2012 April 8 April 15 1 Week
2013 March 31 May 5 5 Weeks
2014 April 20 April 20 ———-
2015 April 5 April 12 1 Week
2016 March 27 May 1 5 Weeks
2017 April 16 April 16 ———-
2018 April 1 April 8 1 Week
2019 April 21 April 28 1 Week
2020 April 12 April 19 1 Week
2021 April 4 May 2 4 Weeks

 NOTE:  In 2016 the Feast of Annunciation falls on Good Friday.  The next time that will happen will be in the 22nd century.  This is on the Gregorian Calendar.

 If my calculations are correct the Feast of the Annunciation will fall on Good Friday on the Julian Calendar twice in this century, in 2034 and 2045.

 In 2021 the difference between the two Easters is 4 weeks.  This is a rarity that happens maybe once in a century.