What is the difference between fasting and abstinence?
Fasting means to go without food or drink for a determined period of time or to limit the amount of food one consumes. Abstinence is to abstain from eating certain foods, for a period of time.

What is the Church’s teaching on fasting & abstinence?
Following the Lord’s teaching, the Church asks the faithful to fast on certain days and to abstain from meat and also from dairy products on certain days.

Is fasting not harmful to the body, given to us by God Himself?
Fasting is going without food for a certain period of time. As any human appetite, food can become addictive, or take too much of our human focus. Fasting is an act of the will, whereby we willingly deny ourselves. Self denial helps us control our appetites.

Which days are fast days in the Ukrainian Catholic Church?
After the Second Vatican Council, our Ukrainian Synod reduced the fast days to two: The First Day of Lent and Good Friday.

How are the faithful to observe a fast day?
On fast days, we totally abstain from meat and dairy products and take only one full meal. Other meals should be of smaller proportions, like snacks.

Which days are days of abstinence in our Church?
Ukrainian Catholics are obliged to abstain from meat on Fridays of the year and on the following days: The Beheading of St. John the Baptist (August 29), the Eve of Christmas (December 24), the Eve of Theophany (January 5), the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14).

How can we remember all those days of abstinence?
With only a tiny effort; Parishioners receive a church calendar, on which days of fasting and abstinence are usually marked with a large fish symbol.

Why do we avoid only meat on days of abstinence?
Centuries ago, the Church, using the Power of the Keys (“Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven.” Mt 16:9), chose one particular food from which we can abstain without inordinate difficulty. It is simple to remember to avoid meat on a day of abstinence. In the modern world, we have all sorts of healthy food, other than meat, to choose from.

 Are all the faithful obliged to fast and abstain?
Our Church obliges only those from 14-59 years of age to fast and abstain on designated days. Many people over 60 choose to continue to observe the Church’s regulations, which they and their families consistently practiced throughout their lives. Similarly, young children will eat the food that is served in the household.

What about the sick?
Those who are seriously ill should not fast or abstain from meat, if it will harm them. God gave us the gift of our body; we must moderate our appetites with fasting and abstinence, but not harm that body.

 What if you must attend an important meal on Friday? 
In many Christian countries, even in restaurants, fish is featured on Fridays. When others see us observing the Church regulations, we are setting a good example of how much we value our faith and its practices. In our own homes we must follow Church Law, but when invited to others’ homes, we should never insult them by refusing what they have prepared for us.

Can a priest give dispensation to eat meat on a day of fasting or abstinence? 
Not just any priest, but your own parish priest has the jurisdiction to dispense you. Dispensations should not be refused the faithful, except in grave necessity. The point of a dispensation is the self-denial of the will that a Christian must practice by approaching their spiritual father.

What if a feast day falls on a Friday?
We are not obliged to fast or abstain on feast days which are days of celebration. Check your calendar to be certain. In 2005, the following feast days happen to fall on Friday: Sacred Heart (June 3); Immaculate Conception (December 9).

What about Fridays immediately following a Solemn Feast?
Solemn Feasts of our Lord & our Lady are celebrated for a full eight days (octave). Thus, Fridays following Solemn Feasts are exempt from abstinence. We refer to those days as zahalnytsia or Privileged. In 2012, the following Fridays are Privileged: April 13 (after Easter); June 1 (after Pentecost); December 28 (after Christmas).

Should we limit our self-denial to obligatory fast days?
Although the Church has greatly relaxed the obligation to fast and abstain, Christians should do so of their own free will, when and if they are able. More important than food, we need to control our other desires through other types of self-denial. Abstaining from sin is the goal of physical self-denial.

What other ways do we practice self-denial in Lent?
Besides fasting and abstinence, throughout Great Lent we should refrain from joyous celebrations, dancing and other entertainments. When in doubt, you can approach your parish priest for a dispensation.

Does Advent exist in the Ukrainian Catholic Church?
Yes. Ukrainian Catholics refer to the pre-Christmas fast period as Pylypiwka or St. Philip’s Fast, as it always begins on November 15, the day after the feast of St. Philip the Apostle, November 14. Unlike the Latin Rite, our Advent is not a liturgical season; we do not see any changes in the Divine Liturgy, Vespers or Matins. Traditionally, we abstained from meat on Wednesdays and Fridays of Pylypiwka & Great Lent.

Doesn’t fasting and abstinence belong to a culture of the past?
No. Christ taught us that certain evils “can only be driven out by prayer and fasting” (Mt 17:21). Self-denial and penance are direct teachings of Christ and can never be changed by the Church. Pope John Paul II has often asks Catholics to fast for peace and for other important intentions.

 Taken from:  with permission

Obligatory Fast days:

  • First Day of the Great Fast 
  • Good Friday


Obligatory Days of Abstinence:

  • All Fridays
  • September 14: Exaltation of the Holy Cross
  • December 24: Eve of Christmas (Svjat Vechir)
  • January 5: Eve of Theophany (Schedryj Vechir)
  • August 29: Beheading of St. John the Baptist


Non-obligatory traditional Fasts & Abstinences

  • Wednesdays of Advent & Lent
  • Eve of Solemn Feasts
  • Throughout Passion Week