Learning Our Faith

The SSPP Education Committee – Promotes and organizes adult education opportunities as well as playing a supportive role for catechesis at all age levels.  It is our hope that ongoing projects such as the lending library, feast day icon displays and handouts, bulletin articles, bible study, and catechetical sessions will create a thirst for more in-depth learning and acquisition of the tools necessary for spiritual growth.

Contact Bernadette Popowych at 306-249-2432 or popowych@shaw.ca for more information

Bulletin Articles and Handouts

During the course of the Liturgical Year informative articles on Feast Days, Fasts, our traditions and catechism are in the bulletin.

Also, for all major feast days and during the Pre lent and Lent season, handouts are available at the back of the church.  There is always an icon or a poster to draw attention to the presence of handouts.

Bible Study

Sessions are on Sunday evenings at 6:30 pm in the church auditorium.  Contact Bernadette at 306-249-2432 for the latest information.

Villa Scripture Study

The group meets weekly on Tuesdays at 10:15 am at St. Volodymyr Villa.
For more information contact Grace Lashyn at 306-374-6304

Lending Library

The Lending Library is located in the church auditorium.  It is open during breakfasts and other occasions such as the Lenten Mission.

If you would like to access the library at other times, please call Monica Kurmey at 306-249-3427.

Adult Education Sessions

These are held 3 or 4 times a year, scheduled on Sundays following the Knights of Columbus breakfasts.  The start time is approximately 1:15 pm.

Sessions will be announced in the bulletins.  Please watch for posters as well.

Christian Initiation:
For adults wishing to join the Ukrainian Catholic Church, a catechism program is offered.
Please call the parish office at 306-343-6516.

Icon Writing

Sessions are held on Saturday mornings after the Divine Liturgy at 9:00 am.
For more information contact Brian Ander at 306-384-0000.


Confession Guides


“Confession is an act of honesty and courage – an act of entrusting ourselves, beyond sin, to the mercy of a loving and forgiving God.  It is an act of the prodigal son who returns to his Father and is welcomed by him with the kiss of peace… To all the young people of the Church, I extend a special invitation to receive Christ’s forgiveness and his strength in the Sacrament of Penance.  It is a mark of greatness to be able to say:  I have made a mistake; I have sinned.  Father, I have offended you; my God, I am sorry; I ask for pardon; I will try again, because I rely on your strength and I believe in your love.”  (John Paul II)

>> Repentance Guide Children PDF

>> Repentance Guide Young Adults PDF

>> Repentence Guide Adult PDF