Jul 24, 2021
This Sunday’s Liturgy is now up on our parish’s YouTube Channel.Here are this Sunday’s SPECIAL PARTS AND READINGS and the TEXT OF THE DIVINE LITURGY.Here is the SUMMER 2021...
Jul 17, 2021
This Sunday’s Liturgy is now up on our parish’s YouTube Channel.Here are this Sunday’s SPECIAL PARTS AND READINGS. Here is the TEXT FOR THE DIVINE LITURGY.Here is the SUMMER 2021...
Jul 9, 2021
This Sunday’s Liturgy is now up on our parish’s YouTube Channel.Here are this Sunday’s SPECIAL PARTS AND READINGS to use if you are praying at home. Tropar Books are available at the back of the church for those attending in person. Here is the TEXT...
Jul 2, 2021
This Sunday’s Liturgy is now up on our parish’s YouTube Channel.Here are this Sunday’s SPECIAL PARTS AND READINGS to use at home. Tropar Books are now available in church.Here is the text of the DIVINE LITURGY.Here is this Sunday’s...